Frequently Asked Questions
What is SpeakPipe?
SpeakPipe is a simple web-based tool that allows you to interact with your audience via voice messages.
What is SpeakPipe?
SpeakPipe is a simple web-based tool that allows you to interact with your audience via voice messages.
Is difficult to install SpeakPipe on my website?
No, you just need to add a few lines of code to your page. See setup options here. If you don't know how to add code snippents to your website, you can look into the documentation for your website's platform or ask your webmaster to do this for you.
Can I use SpeakPipe without installing it on a website?
Yes, you can create your personal page on SpeakPipe; share a link to this page with your audience and they will be able to send you voice messages.
How do I remove the side button on mobile devices?
You can disable the SpeakPipe side button on mobile devices. Go to the widget settings and turn off the option "Show the side button on mobile devices" in the "Sidebar button settings" section.
How do I remove the "Powered by SpeakPipe" label from the widget?
There is no such customization.
How do I update my billing information?
Please go to your subscription page and follow the instructions.
If I sign up for the paid subscription, can I cancel at anytime?
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at anytime. If you cancel your subscription, your paid account will still be available for the rest of the current billing period. At the end of this period your SpeakPipe account will be switched to the free plan.
What happens when storage has reached its maximum?
You will be notified when your storage is 90 percent full. You will have the option to upgrade your account to a bigger plan or clean up your storage. Once your storage reaches its maximum, your widgets will not be able to receive voice messages until you add more storage.
What's your refund policy?
If you are not 100 percent satisfied with your purchase within 30 days of the purchase date, we will fully refund the cost of your order. If you have more questions, feel free to contact us.